Strike! A successful work placement & year for Horsham SLES participant, Pat

Strike! A successful work placement & year for Horsham SLES participant, Pat

2021 has been a big year for 18-year-old Pat Rogers, who has just completed his year 12 studies and school captaincy at Goroke P-12 College.   

Pat experiences hearing loss but is determined not to let this stand in his way to achieve his goals.  “Although I have a disability, I don’t focus on it or think about it much. I just see it as an obstacle that I deal with, I’ve dealt with it my whole life and don’t let it stop me from doing anything. I believe anyone with any type of disability should have a chance to achieve their dreams, if something doesn’t go right just push through and find a way to make it go right,” he said.  

Pat is supported to achieve his goals through are-able School Leavers Employment Supports (SLES) and Employment Preparation and Engagement Consultant (EPEC) Matthew Meek (Matt). Together they discussed Pat’s career aspirations and potential places of employment, with local sport Pat’s preferred industry.  

Matt arranged for Pat and other local SLES participants to visit “Horsham Lanes and Games” on an industry visit, providing insights into employment opportunities that exist within this industry.  

Pat took a particular interest in learning more and Matt approached the business to see if there were any opportunities for work experience.  

Shortly after, Pat began a work experience placement at the venue.  

Here he learnt to work in a new industry and at a much faster pace environment than he was used to. Stepping outside his comfort zone allowed Pat to not only build his skills but also his confidence. “I’m proud of working outside of my comfort zone,” he said.    

Finishing up his placement, Pat is already working on his next goal – getting his licence and saving up for a car. As a Goroke local this will give him some independence. Matt helped Pat link in with the local L’s to P’s Program. Through this, he is quickly getting his hours up and expects to have his P’s soon.  

Matt is so proud of everything pat has achieved so far and continues to provide support “the journey continues, Pat is a very proactive and driven person. I cannot wait to see what he achieves in the future” he said.  

As for Pat, he’s just taking it all in his stride “life is like a wave, things come and go,” he concluded.  

Want to learn more about are-able SLES? Get in touch with our team today.