are-able Social Enterprises is a registered NDIS provider. We offer a large number of services at our Warrnambool and Hamilton locations.

are-able has a bunch of options for those looking to find and keep a job, or participate in social inclusion and community activities. The idea is to build confidence through community – using people power to support those who need it most.

Donald’s journey

Discover the inspiring story of Donald at are-able Social Enterprises in Warrnambool. Donald, who lives with autism and a damaged foot, has thrived since joining are-able.

As an integral member of the e-waste team, Donald dismantles and sorts electronic equipment, keeping it out of landfills. His journey from overcoming challenges to becoming a versatile employee highlights the impact of tailored support.

Watch the video to see how are-able creates inclusive workplaces, providing stability, purpose, and growth opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Find out more

What is NDIS Plan Management?

What NDIS Activities are available?