Sharp & Professional, SLES Participant Declan is Interview Ready

Sharp & Professional, SLES Participant Declan is Interview Ready

Declan looked a picture of confidence in his sharp and professional attire for a recent practice interview. Participating in the interview was a huge achievement for Declan who has grown enormously in the past 18 months since joining are-able School Leavers Employment Supports (SLES).

When he first joined SLES Declan found it difficult to be involved in any face-to-face activities. He is diagnosed with ASD and experiences anxiety. Throughout the lockdowns over the past 18 months Declan was able to interact with his are-able Employment Preparation and Engagement Consultants (EPEC) Deon and Katie online to build trust and confidence.   

With lifted restrictions Declan has experience growth in his self-esteem and confidence. Declan has been participating in the SLES outings and social interactions.   

Declan’s mum Kylie is excited to see his growth “He is engaging with are-able and getting out of the house and learning to socialise face to face.  He  is also learning to make better choices and have more empathy.  His social skills have improved, and his confidence and self-esteem are improving.” 

In the recent practice job interviews Declan’s EPEC Katie, was impressed by his confidence.  

“For the interview I asked Declan to think about where may want to find work. He chose the Colac Cinema. We researched the business online and I gave Declan some interview questions to think about. To help prepare for the interview Declan got a haircut and we went and purchased appropriate interview attire. The interview was conducted by someone from are-able Disability Employment Services Team so it felt like a real-life interview. Declan did an amazing job and presented so well the interviewer said they would ‘hire him tomorrow’.  

 “I am so proud of Declan, he continues to push his comfort zone and has shown enormous personal growth. I am excited to see what the future holds for him” said Katie.  

are-able SLES program helps young people under the NDIS Supports Services to prepare, look for and gain employment.