Learn Local Job Ready Training Available for Warrnambool Residents  

In a boost to job-ready skill training for the South West region, are-able Education and Training has become Learn Local accredited and will commence with two courses offered in June, July and August.  

 “As a not-for-profit training organisation we’re looking forward to providing this service and these courses to the Warrnambool community. These courses are free to attend and can provide the steppingstone people need to then go onto further study or to commence job seeking.” Said are-able Director of People, Culture & Training Andrew Giblin.  

Learn Local is a Victorian organisation, who work with not-for-profit community organisations to deliver pre-accredited training and programs. The courses are registered and funded by the Victorian Government via the Adult, Community and Further Education Board. There are 250 Learn Local providers across the state with are-able Education and Training the only one in Warrnambool offering these courses.  

 are-able Education and Training will be running the ‘Work Readiness’ & ‘Personal Improvement’ courses. These non-accredited courses will focus on different aspects of getting ready to begin searching for a job.  ‘Personal Improvement’ will support people who are new to job searching and are feeling nervous or anxious about the unknown. While ‘Work Readiness’ will provide tools and tips about where to find a job, how to prepare your resume and applications as well as what to expect in an interview. 

 “We’re keen to get the word out there about these courses. It is often confidence and knowing what to do next which hold people back from taking the first steps towards job seeking, study and ultimately employment. These courses will be provided in a supportive and inclusive environment. Our trainer Kristine Zimmer is fantastic and has experience tailoring training to suit all learning methods and personalities so people can enjoy and get the most of out of their learning” explained Andrew.  

 To learn more about Learn Local questions click here.