Ballarat Gym Ben’s Army Provides the Perfect Workplace for are-able Client Robert

Ballarat Gym Ben’s Army Provides the Perfect Workplace for are-able Client Robert
Good News Story from Ballarat's are-able finding the perfect workplace in Ballarat Gym Ben's Army for disability employment services (DES) job seeker Robert.

Our are-able Ballarat team works closely as a team to find rewarding and stable employment for their clients. One of our Employment Consultants Travis recently shared a wonderful ‘good news story’ with us about a long-standing are-able client Robert McLean.

Robert joined Ballarat’s are-able in 2015, he has an intellectual disability and osteoarthritis, Robert’s barriers have meant he has struggled over the years to find suitable and stable long-term employment.

Working with Robert for the past two years, Travis has seen firsthand his tenacity and determination not to mention his vivacious and cheeky personality.  Travis worked tirelessly with Robert ensuring he was job-ready and supported through resume and cover letter writing, interview techniques and confidence building.

Travis understood that Robert needed to find the right working environment to flourish as an employee and sought out an employment opportunity that would provide this – the Ballarat Gym, Ben’s Army was the answer. Ben’s Army is a respected and qualified partner of are-able Ballarat, Travis knew they would provide Robert with a supportive, understanding and inclusive environment to work.

With Robert’s previous cleaning experience and his outgoing personality, he was tasked with the role of the gym cleaner – a role that was created especially for Robert by Ben’s Army.

L-R Ben Sellars (employer), Robert McLean (client) and Travis Benham (EC)

Travis continued to work closely with Robert and Ben’s Army to help address any barriers and to create systems for Robert to succeed from day one.

Robert is now super confident in his role and enjoys receiving regular positive feedback about his performance. He has even joined the gym with a free membership, which helps him socialise, keep fit and feel like part of the team! Robert has expressed on many occasions how much he loves are-able and has a lot of appreciation and respect for the Ballarat team.

“We used to hear from Robert on a regular basis, due to a lack of confidence and concerns about employment uncertainty. Now we only really see him when he comes in for appointments, which means that he’s finally feeling supported and stable in his workplace which is the ultimate result” said Travis.

Robert still enjoys coming in for appointments, the reception staff know him and make him feel welcome. Rob enjoys a laugh with the team and is an avid collector of pens……we’re unsure exactly how many are-able pens he actually has!

are-able is a not-for-profit community agency that provides disability and mainstream employment assistance, recruitment and training services as well as a wide range of Social Enterprises and NDIS Activities. are-able develops pathways to strengthen communities that enhance individuals, families, and businesses.

are-able Ballarat situated at 219 Mair St and is your local provider for disability employment, Jobactive and disability services Ballarat including NDIS Financial Plan Management. are-able Ballarat encourages local businesses to get in touch and advertise Ballarat job vacancies through our recruitment services in Ballarat.  This year are-able is celebrating its 30th year as a community-run Not-for-profit provider of disability services. Our Ballarat team has been working with the local community and businesses for over 10 years.

If you’re looking for assistance to navigate your NDIS plan or looking for work then the team at are-able Ballarat is here to support you.