The four things employers want to see in their potential employees

The four things employers want to see in their potential employees

Yes, every employer, every workplace, every job and every job seeker is different…

But there’s certainly common ground when it comes to what a business owner or manager wants to see when they are looking to add someone new to their team

Employers want their prospective employees to do more than just turn up on time (although, really, that’s employment 101.) Our experience shows that there are four key things employers are looking for when they are considering hiring a new person to be part of their workplace.

It’s also important to remember is that you can’t just tell a possible boss that you’ve got all these things they are looking for. You need to show them.

Here’s a good list to start with –

1. Show that you have experience 

Has the jobseeker got experience in a workplace? It doesn’t need to be the exact same kind of workplace… but some experience at work is definitely better than none at all.

Don’t think that automatically means you need to have worked in a paid job, either. A willingness to volunteer says a lot about you and your values – that you’re willing to go the extra mile. Volunteer work is impressive to any prospective employer.

Don’t worry if you’ve had a lot of ‘in between’ jobs before landing the chance to work in your ‘dream job’, either. Again, this shows that you know it’s important to chip away at something you really want. Plus, this means you’ve had experience in a lot of different workplaces – and that builds resilience, another valuable attribute that’s a bonus in any workplace.

2. Demonstrate your ’employability’ (even if that word sounds a little made-up)

Do you work well with others? Are your communication skills okay? And can you show initiative? A ‘yes’ to all these questions is a good step – but even better is if you can show your prospective employer that this describes you.

Can you demonstrate that you can – and will – work well in a team? Think about it – even the smallest business will need you to work with others, even if it’s just your prospective boss. Being able to work with others is not only imperative to your job prospects – it will also impact on an employers’ success as well.

While we’re at it, how are your communication skills? Would others say that you’re good at explaining what you want, or letting those around you know what’s going on? If the answer is no, think about how you can brush up on those communication skills.

But if the answer is, ‘yes’, then think of ways you can tell or show your prospective employer what makes you a great communicator.

Initiative? Well, that’s priceless – find a way to show your employer times or occasions where you’ve taken the initiative and it’s benefited you, and others.

3. Let them see that you have the Personality Traits that make you a valuable employee

An employer wants you to be:

  • Enthusiastic
  • Reliable
  • Well-presented
  • A good worker

To an employer, these kinds of personality traits are not-negotiable. Tick these boxes and you can be sure you’ll be an asset to the workplace. If even one of these is a weak spot, then work on it – NOW.

4. Brag about your Education and Training… or make it clear if you’re interested in doing more

An employer is going to want to know what level of education and training you have. How far have you gone in your studies? Have you shown initiative to get training in the area you want to work in? (See point 2). An employer will want to you know if you have:

  • Completed year 12
  • Have a post-school qualification
  • Have either a University  Degree, Diploma or Certificate III or IV

Answering ‘no’ to these questions won’t necessarily prevent you from getting work… but being able to answer ‘yes’ will open more doors. are-able is a Registered Training Profider (RTO TOID 21701) and can help you gain skills, knowledge and experience in a number of different areas where jobs are growing. Click here to find out what courses we currently have running.

Of course, are-able’s Employment Consultants can help you with each of these areas – they meet and speak with employers every day, so have an excellent understanding of what business owners and managers are looking for.

Contact your local are-able office to find out how we can help you.