Fact: Education + Training = Better Job Prospects

Statistics show adding education and training to your experience generates a powerful equation when you’re applying for jobs.

Australian Bureau of Statistics research shows that 13% of people without a job didn’t finish Year 12.

Gain your VCE (or equivalent) and that statistic is more than halved; just 6% of unemployed people have finished secondary school.

You’ll boost your job prospects even more if you look at studying a Certificate III or higher course with an RTO – the percentage of unemployed who also have a Cert III qualification or higher is only 4%.

Completing Year 12 or a Cert III or IV (or even higher) doesn’t just boost your job prospects; it’s also been proven that the more formal education and training you do, more you’ll be paid.

That’s because employers value people who are willing to learn. And, as we’ve said before, it’s always best to be able to show an employer you’re willing to learn, rather than just tell them.

What better way to show a future employer how keen you are to learn than by enrolling in training or education?

The world of education and training is huge (we know first-hand, because we’re in that world ourselves!) The sheer number of courses out there can be daunting. But, on the upside, the huge number of courses available means there really is a course or training opportunity out there to suit almost anyone.

are-able’s offers a number of accredited training courses that are focused on the industries of caring for otherschildcare, aged care and disability support. They are one option if you’re looking to learn more and eventually work in an industry that’s growing faster than any other.

But you don’t just have to enrol in a course that we run. are-able’ Employment Consultants have great local networks and keep up to date with all the courses, training opportunities and education providers in their local area; they’ll be able to find out what’s on offer that could help you improve your job opportunities – and learn something new at the same time.

Contact your local are-able office to find out how our Employment Consultants can help you identify what sort of training and education could improve your job prospects.