Jobseeker FAQ

are-able is a private organisation, separate from DHS Centrelink. As a result we do not have access to much of the information that DHS Centrelink keeps, and cannot update it. Any information that you normally give to DHS Centrelink should continue to be submitted to DHS Centrelink, however we are happy to see the information for our own private records if it will benefit you.


are-able may provide some funding for things that are directly related to employment, however we cannot fund general expenses such as utility bills, car registration, travel costs, traffic infringement notices, etc.

As are-able is a separate organisation to Centrelink and we do not specialise in welfare payments we cannot provide strict advice or make any changes to your income support. are-able staff may be able to make a suggestion in certain circumstances, however you should contact Centrelink for proper advice or if you require action to be taken regarding any income support payment.

are-able does not have access to all DHS Centrelink information, and therefore cannot provide advice on how your income benefits may be affected. Normally it is always more financially beneficial for jobseekers on income support to work, however we recommend you discuss this with DHS Centrelink to determine how your DHS Centrelink services will be affected.

Normally are-able can only register jobseekers that are not working, or are working a small number of hours. In some situations we may be able to help you keep your current job if it is at risk. We recommend you send us an enquiry using our Contact Form providing details of your current circumstances and an are-able staff member will assess whether we are able to assist.

Yes we can. The type of assistance we can provide will depend on your circumstances, however at the least you will be given access to our job search services. Those with ongoing disability, injury or ill-health may be eligible for specialist support.

Yes you can. are-able encourages anyone on a voluntary allowance to make contact so we can provide you information on our programs, and if you are interested we can help you find work.

You can withdraw from our services at any time, however while you are registered with are-able we want to help you find work and will be trying to work with you to achieve this.

Employer FAQ

are-able is a local service that is flexible and responsive to your business needs. We are able to save you time and money by offering professional advice, a timely service and sourcing suitable job seekers. We also have access to employer incentives for some jobseekers which can include financial subsidies and other options to support you and your new employee.

are-able is a free service. We can advertise your vacancy online through We can also use our own client-base search to identify any immediately suitable candidates for you, all at no cost. are-able can also create an effective display ad for your business to be run as a separate stand-alone advertisement. These types of ads are billed to you at are-able’s current discounted rate with local newspapers.

Some of the services are-able can provide employers include recruitment advice, vacancy advertising, candidate screening and short-listing, as well as providing access to searching our own client data-base for suitable candidates. We suggest that if you have any queries to contact us. You can use our Contact Form, or you can phone or visit your local office and speak to an are-able staff member.

are-able Social Enterprises FAQ

Yes are-able Social Enterprises employees are entitled to pro rata holidays according to the award they are paid under.

Yes in several different ways. One way for people to ‘Have a Say’ is to become a part of the Employee Representative Committee. Also, everyone is invited to contribute news and events to are-able to share important milestones and be a part of strategic planning and continuous improvement projects and events. are-able encourages people to attend training about advocacy and rights, health, wellbeing, as well as workplace safety.

are-able will provide a safe working environment where everybody is made welcome and safe. Every year are-able have people come and check to make sure we are doing a good job and the environment is safe; these people are called auditors – if we are doing a good job we receive a certificate. are-able also has our own safety people who check all equipment and buildings and report any faults to our Managers.

are-able’ Social Enterprises business operating hours are 8am – 4pm, Monday to Friday.

are-able Foundation FAQ

No, the are-able Foundation guidelines are firm and no project will be funded for more than $10,000.

No, the are-able Foundation does not provide ongoing funding and ongoing projects must clarify the source/s of ongoing funding when applying for are-able Foundation funding for any component of their project.

The Foundation panel meets twice a year to evaluate applications. Final approval is granted by the full are-able Committee of Management. Applicants are notified of the outcome of their application during the following week of this endorsement and payment of grants is made on receipt of your invoice.

Applications can be submitted at any time however the Panel only meets at the specified times to evaluate applications.

You can find the form to apply for the Foundation on the Foundation page of the are-able website.