In today’s world of modern technology, just about every man and his dog has a social media account. In fact, some people spend more time creating their pet’s accounts than their own (we’re looking at you @Buddyboowaggytails with your 543,000 followers)!

From our experience, almost all prospective employers will take the time to check your online presence, and the are-able team have some great tips on online etiquette for job hunters.

Although you may have privacy controls on your own Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles, it’s a great idea to Google your own name and see what comes up. Those embarrassing photos from your last Christmas party could be lurking in cyber space, just waiting to horrify a potential boss. Now is the time to hit ‘delete’!

On the plus side, social media can be an excellent way to introduce yourself to an employer before the official proceedings begin.

For example, if you were applying for a lifeguard’s position, then you’d have an inside advantage if your Facebook feed was already filled with pictures at the beach, you preparing to swim laps, winning awards at swimming carnivals or sharing information about water safety.

What social media platforms do prospective employers research?

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. Google is usually a given.

What to DO:

  1. Review your online presence and social media accounts before you apply for a new job. This is a great time to cull inappropriate pictures and posts. Strong political views, rants about former bosses/friends/colleagues/lovers, over-the-top medical and personal information, and photographs of you in minimal clothing or stages of intoxication may hinder your chances of being hired.
  2. Share photographs of your hobbies and interests. A well-rounded employee is always an asset to any organisation, so make sure you’re showcasing your talents and industry insights.
  3. Curate, don’t create. If photography isn’t your strong point, you can always keep your social media accounts colourful and catchy by sharing and reposting other people’s photos and links to websites, issues and events that interest you, or relate to your field of work. There’s a treasure trove of content online, just make sure you give a photo credit or acknowledgement each time you repost an image.
  4. Create a LinkedIn profile. This is a leading corporate networking tool, so it’s a smart move to have an up-to-date account with a sharp-looking portrait.

What NOT to do:

  1. Don’t have anything on your social accounts that will potentially harm the company’s brand. Swearing like a sailor or posting typo-riddled tweets is a sure-fire way to turn off employers.
  2. Don’t create a whole new identity to match each job you are applying for. Your new employer wants to get a sense of the person they are employing, so show them what makes you unique, so you can stand out from the crowd.
  3. Don’t go overboard with the selfies. Photographs of yourself are great, but make sure portraits are balanced with other things that are important to you, like hobbies, family, friends, pets, nature or volunteerism.

Here at are-able, our mission is helping find the best position employment fit for you. Our team of experienced Employment Consultants are always happy to help you at any stage of your job-hunting journey, so if you’d like more information on how to put your best foot forward in a digital sense, call us on 1800 566 066.