So you’ve found the perfect job vacancy, you’ve written your cover letter using the tips from our last blog post here, and now you’re about to refresh your resume. Fantastic! Resume writing isn’t an exact science, but our team of employment consultants at are-able can certainly share a few pointers to get your resume off to a ripping start.

Tip #1: Size

Size always matters with resumes, and we strongly encourage our job seekers to keep their resume to two pages. Although it might be tempting to squeeze in every job you’ve ever had, be sure to stick with the most relevant details. For example, if you’re a greenskeeper applying for a technical position within the manufacturing industry, it would be much smarter to expand on your volunteer work at the Men’s Shed or your hobby restoring old cars than elaborating on your golf course grooming technique.

However, if you were a greenskeeper applying for a position with a landscaping contractor or gardening supplier, then you’d allocate plenty of space to the ins and outs of green-keeping. Relevance is everything.

Tip #2: Content

Start with your contact details, then outline your employment history, education, licences and qualifications, a brief list of hobbies or interests and references so they suit the specific job you’re applying for.

Spell out acronyms and be specific with any licenses you may have. You might know exactly what forklift ticket you hold, but in this case the term ‘forklift ticket’ may be confusing. If you live in Victoria, and the job requires forklift experience, make sure you specify you have a High Risk Work License with a LF (forklift) endorsement. Don’t leave them guessing!

Tip #3: References

These days, employers prefer calling referees instead of reading written references. It’s a great idea to let you referees know that you are using them in your resume, and let them know which position you’re applying for, so they can tailor their replies to best match that position.

References don’t always have to be previous bosses. Coaches, mentors, teachers and supervisors are also okay, but we’d advise you steer clear of listing family members or mates.

Tip #4: Layout

Unless you’re applying for a creative job that calls for flair and creativity, this isn’t the best time to experiment with fancy fonts or cutting edge design. Your prospective employer wants to be able to read your resume without squinting to decipher the words! This doesn’t mean your resume has to be dull and boring, though. The free online design program has some stylish resume templates you can customise with smart-looking colours and room for a photograph to help your resume stand out from the crowd.

Tip #5: Spellcheck

Take the time to run a spell-check! Almost a quarter of the resumes that come across our desks have typos. Ask someone you trust to read through your resume, and be sure to give it a final read-through yourself before pressing send.

Tip # 6: Contact us!

Here at are-able, our team of experienced Employment Consultants are always happy to help you update your resume to best suit your next job. So call us on 1800 566 066 or visit for more information.