The cover letter will often be your first opportunity to connect with a potential employer, so take your time to craft a quality cover letter that helps your job application stand out!

Firstly, let’s talk about why you need to write a cover letter. Although your resume includes the most important facts, a cover letter is a great chance to introduce yourself, explain which position you are applying for, and how all the dot points on your resume are linked to that particular job.


  • Demonstrates your written communication skills.
  • Demonstrates your level of professionalism.
  • Demonstrates your desire and understanding of the role.

At are-able, we handle hundreds of job applications every month, and a clearly set out, single-page, typo-free cover letter always makes us smile.

Step 1. Name and contact details

Because it’s a formal letter, put your name and contact details on top, the name of the company you hope to work for, and the position you’re applying for. If there was a job ID number or contact name in the advertisement, pop them in there too. Take a look at the layout in the FREE Sample Cover Letter here.

Step 2. The content

The content of the cover letter is usually broken up into four paragraphs. And even though it’s all about you, make sure you update the letter for each new position and look at it from the company’s perspective. They want to know how employing YOU will benefit THEM.

In the first paragraph, explain why you are applying for THIS job. It’s always great to research the company and position before you apply, so you can better explain why you’ll be a good match. The internet, particularly their website, is an excellent place to start.

In the second paragraph, outline how your previous job experience is a great fit for the position. If you’re new to the workforce, you can refer to your education or volunteer work. Include a few skills that might help in the position you’re applying for, like working with children, dealing with difficult customers, training new staff or qualifications that will boost the new role. Try focus on how those experiences will benefit THEM as a company.

In the third paragraph,write about your personal strengths. Are you extremely punctual? Perhaps you like nothing better than getting your hands dirty? Or maybe you wake up each morning bursting with enthusiasm and new ideas? Some people find it hard to blow their own horn, but this section isn’t about bragging or being modest. It’s about showing how YOUR personality fits with THEIR job. Some people like to add a sentence about their personal life or hobbies here too, if it’s relevant to the position. Say you were applying for a fitness instructor’s job, make sure you explain your own love of Zumba classes, weight-lifting and swimming.

In the fourth paragraphclose with a quick sentence or two thanking them for their time. Let them know you are happy to be contacted with any questions, and you look forward to hearing from them.

Step 3. Quality control

The final – and possibly most important – step is having somebody else read and spell-check your work before you send it!

Remember to make sure you:

  • include your contact details
  • only include information relevant to the position

Here at are-able, our mission is helping find the best position employment fit for you. Our team of experienced Employment Consultants are always happy to help you at any stage of your job-hunting journey, so call us on 1800 566 066 or visit more information.