If you’ve been following our regular blog posts in the Job Seeker Resources Library, then you’re already a step ahead of many other job seekers. We’ve explained some of the most common questions you’ll be asked, and in today’s article, we’re sharing a few tips on how to phrase your own interview questions.

What does the job involve?

If you’re unsure about the scope of the role, think of way to ask the question so it shows you’ve taken the time to research the company. Try something like ‘I see you’ve recently expanded into a new market, can you tell me how that will impact on the position you’re offering.’ Or ‘I was intrigued by the position description; can you tell me in a nutshell what a typical day would look like?’

When will I start earning better money? How long until I get promoted to a higher role?

Discussing your pay level is extremely important, as it can be a deal breaker in many situations. Prior to the interview, consider your own personal expectations, and research the pay grade of similar positions. There are various ways to phrase this question without sounding money-focussed. And if the pay isn’t what you’re aiming for, perhaps ask if there’s scope for promotion in the future or further training if you achieve the set targets and competencies.

I know the position includes shift work, but can I shuffle the schedule, so I get mostly day shift?

Shift work is exactly that – shifts. Early shifts, late shifts, night shifts and day shifts. Most organisations offer a degree of flexibility, but it’s a smart idea to leave that type of negotiating until you’ve proven yourself in the workplace. It’s fine to ask if there’s flexibility in the position, and query what type of advance notice you’d need to give for prearranged holidays or events, but dictating your hours and preferences before you’re even hired may prevent you coming across as a team player.

When do my holidays kick in?

Everyone loves holidays, right? Prospective employers are usually happy to discuss annual leave policies and holiday entitlements, but job hunters are wise to consider the way they frame these discussions. Be up-front any pre-arranged flights or commitments that will interfere with your work, but be careful to demonstrate you’re also keen and willing to work, as opposed to finding a stop-gap position that will fund your next cruise.

We hope this extra a bit of pre-planning helps you walk into your next job interview with confidence! Feel free to call 1800 566 066.