are-able Foundation Awards Community Grants to 28 Organisations

The successful recipients of the 2022 are-able Foundation Community Grants have been announced with just over $100,000 in funding given away.
“We were overwhelmed by the number and calibre of applicants we received for this year’s grant round. It’s wonderful to know there are so many organisations doing great work within our communities. It was a difficult task to choose the successful applicants with everyone so deserving of the funding. I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who applied,” said Andrea Hogan, are-able Director of Communication and Engagement.
Successful applicants included 28 organisations spanning 13 regions and a wide range of projects which support and benefit people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.
“The are-able Foundation exists to support organisations to improve access and opportunity for people living with a disability or disadvantage. It is wonderful that through these grants we can make a difference for people living within the communities where are-able operates,” said Andrea.
The are-able Foundation started in 2004 and is a trust which allows are-able to support the communities in which it operates. Since its beginning, are-able has provided over 1.3 million in funding to create inclusive, thriving communities.
are-able congratulates the organisations who were successful applicants for the 2022 are-able Foundation Community Grant.