Vaccination requirements for face-to-face servicing to jobactive job seekers

Please note this was written and relevant as at 08.10.21

are-able has been informed by the Department of Education, Skills and Training that effective immediately, face-to-face servicing can only be delivered to fully vaccinated (against COVID-19) persons or those who have a medical exemption. If a job seeker is unable to meet this requirement set by the department, they will be serviced and supported via a phone, video or online appointment.


Job seeker FAQs

I have had my first dose of the vaccine, can I come to my face-to-face appointment?

Until you are fully vaccinated you will be supported through phone, video or online methods. Your Employment Consultant will continue to support you as they did during lockdown when offering remote servicing and support.


What does fully vaccinated mean?

Fully vaccinated against COVID-19 means that you have received both your first and second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine approved in the Australian roll-out.


I am not getting vaccinated; how do I receive support?

If you choose not to be vaccinated, your Employment Consultant will continue to support you as they did during lockdown, offering remote servicing and support. If you’d like more information on vaccination please visit the Australian Government Department of Health website here.


I don’t want to share my vaccination status, what is next?

Everyone is assumed unvaccinated until their full vaccinated status is shared. As an unvaccinated jobseeker your Employment Consultant will continue to support you as they did during lockdown through remote servicing and support.


Are are-able staff vaccinated?

In line with the Victorian State Government are-able staff, as authorised workers must have their first COVID-19 vaccine dose or provide a valid medical exemption by Friday 15th October to continue working onsite.

They will need to be fully vaccinated or have a valid medical exemption by 26th November to be allowed onsite.


Why is are-able implementing this rule?

are-able is a provider of the jobactive program on behalf of the Department of Education, Skills and Training.  As such, it is a requirement that are-able follows the requirements set by the department.  The Department of Education, Skills and Training has stated that effective immediately, face-to-face servicing can only be delivered to fully vaccinated persons or those who have a medical exemption


Do I have to confirm my vaccination status every time I make an appointment?

You will only need to provide proof of your vaccination or approved medical exemption once.


How do I show my vaccination status?

You will need to only need to show proof of your vaccination or medical exemption once. This status is then recorded against your profile. are-able will not keep a copy of your vaccination passport/medical exemption records.


Need help with your proof of vaccination, click here

For more information on vaccination please click here