The Return of Mutual Obligations

You may have heard the news that as of November 23rd, 2020; mutual obligations will be returning.

If you’ve never heard of Mutual Obligations before please read on, hopefully this will help you gain a more detailed understanding.


What is Mutual Obligation? 

Mutual obligation requirements are tasks and activities jobseekers agree to do while getting certain payments from Services Australia (Centrelink).

For example: Meet job search requirements on time.

Penalties may apply if jobseekers don’t meet their Mutual Obligations.


What is the purpose of Mutual Obligation? 

Mutual Obligation is the governments way of making sure that you as a jobseeker are actively working with your Employment Consultant to re-join the workforce.

Mutual Obligation tasks may include the following:

  • review and agree to a Job Plan
  • meet job search requirements on time
  • participate in activities, where it is safe to do so
  • report attendance at activities
  • participate in provider appointments with are-able and other types of appointments
  • act on job referrals and attend job interviews
  • accept any suitable job offered

Mutual obligations restarted across most of Australia in September and are now returning for Victorian job seekers. If you live in Victoria, you’ll need to meet your obligations from 23 November 2020.


What is are-able Doing?

are-able understands that 2019/2020 has been difficult with the bushfires and then COVID 19.  We are here to help create opportunities and to find employment for you.

Your are-able Employment Consultant will work with you and explain Mutual Obligations to you at your next appointment.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Employment Consultant for more information on 1800 566 066.


Want to learn more?

You may find these websites helpful.