are-able Colac Finds New Job for Diligent Mother

Finding the right job when you have to work around the needs of young children is not easy, and for Colac mother Tiffany, it proved challenging.
With the support of are-able recruitment services Colac and Employment Consultant Katie Learey, Tiffany was able to land a role with Colac IGA, working in the kitchen to keep the deli stocked. The job fits in with the requirements of school pick-ups and the flexibility required of being a parent.
are-able Colac were able to assist Tiffany with mentoring and interview preparation for the role. Employment hasn’t been an easy journey for Tiffany, who has experienced unemployment intermittently since 2017.
“Tiffany was always happy to be put forward for any role and will give any job a try. She’s such a hard worker and I’m so pleased we were able to find this role for her,” said Katie.
Tiffany started working at Colac IGA in March 2020 and tried different roles around the store before settling into a role in the kitchen.
Colac IGA Store Manager Parjinder Sidhu (known as Sidhu) is pleased with his new staff member.
“Tiffany is incredibly fast in the kitchen and has fitted into the team so well,” he said.
“She has a commendable work ethic and will take on as many shifts as required of her.”
Tiffany feels like she’s found the right balance of mothering and employment. Katie, Sidhu and Tiffany worked together to find the right shifts to fit her schedule.
“As a mum it was important for me to find a role where I can be flexible around my children’s schooling,” said Tiffany.
Tiffany feels her role at IGA Colac has made a huge difference in her life.
“I have a purpose and the job has helped me to buy my children nice things and I’ve managed to save up and buy a car” she said.
“Being able to put food on the table and not struggle to pay bills has also has a positive impact on my life in general. I feel much happier now.”
Contact us at are-able Colac if you’re a jobseeker or employer looking to hire.