are-able Foundation Earmarks $100,000 for Community Grants

What do a surfing association, a community garden and a neighbourhood house have in common? All of these organisations were recipients of grants from the are-able Foundation. For over 15 years, the are-able Foundation has quietly been going about the business of improving people’s lives and adding value to its local communities through community grants.  

This year marks the 30th anniversary of are-able operation, and to celebrate, the Foundation has earmarked a massive $100,000 for the March funding round.  

 Established by are-able in 2004, the foundation was formed as a vehicle to channel funds back into its local communities and has given more than a million dollars to organisations assisting those living with disability and disadvantage.  

 The community grants aim to reduce the barriers which prevent people living with a disability to fully participate in their local community. For the Warrnambool Disabled Surfers Association, the grant enabled them to purchase a custom trailer for its learning to surf program, specifically designed for people experiencing disability. The trailer is essential to its operations, carrying modified equipment so people with a disability can experience the joy of surfing.  

 are-able has 36 offices across Western Victoria and South East South Australia, and the Foundation will be offering grants within these local communities With at least 20 grants of up to $5000 available, are-able Director of Communication and Engagement Andrea Hogan expects plenty of interest from local groups. 

 “We’ve had a lot of interest in the round alreadyWe think it’s terrific that people are looking at innovative ways to improve the lives of people experiencing disability” she said. 

 “In the past, we’ve seen the grants used for things as simple as a ramp at a Pensioners Association in Hamilton to a Mildura school purchasing beehives for its VCAL paddock-to-plate program,” she said. 

 “At are-able, we continually look for better ways to tackle challenges, and we understand that innovation can be of all sizes and at all levels,” 

“We want to help the people in our community who are experiencing disability, and the Foundation grants are a great grass-roots way for us to be involved.” 

 The grants are available to small to medium not-for-profit organisations implementing group activities or projects that are related to disability and benefit the community. Applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria 

Applications open on Monday 17th February and will close Tuesday 31st March. Successful applicants announced Monday 27th April. Click here for more information or to apply.