A friendly disposition the key to employment for Swan Hill are-able Jobseeker

are-able jobseeker Michael (Mic) Vernon has been with are-able Swan Hill for quite some time. Michael experiences mental health issues and also has low confidence from spending time out of the workforce. are-able Swan Hill Employment Consultant Zanthee took the time to get to know Michael and discovered he has a fantastic work history in retail and customer service. In addition to this Michael has a warm and friendly nature, it’s rare to see Michael without a smile on his face!
After finding himself out of work for some time Michael was beginning to feel defined by his barriers and was struggling with self-confidence. Zanthee worked closely with Michael on communication techniques, interview skills and helping Michael to acknowledge his great work history and transferable skills. “It was great to see Mic’s confidence grow, and to see him starting to realise that his barriers were not reflective of his friendly nature, skills or capability.”
It was important to source the right working environment for Michael to utilise his skills and give him the opportunity to show his friendly, warm nature. Shiobon Barry – McDonald’s store manager has been a great support for Michael. It is amazing to have Michael placed in such a supportive and inclusive work environment. Michael has been placed at McDonald’s Swan Hill – in a specialised position as a Customer Experience Team Member. ‘I’m looking forward to supporting Michael in his position moving forward.’ said Zanthee.

are-able Swan Hill is one of regional Australia’s leading providers of the Disability Employment Service programs, this means they are among the best in the country at helping people find meaningful and sustainable employment. are-able supports jobseekers with training, resume preparation, work experience, job matching and employment counselling. are-able Swan Hill also creates solutions for businesses and employers, offering a free service for employers looking to recruit new staff, or refine the skills of their existing staff.
The are-able Swan Hill team encourages anyone wanting to discuss jobseeker or recruitment opportunities to drop in for a coffee and chat at 118 Curlewis St.