St Arnaud Community Garden to Grow thanks to the are-able Foundation

The are-able Foundation was pleased to support the St Arnaud Community Resource Centre with a $3772.00 grant as part of the are-able Foundation latest round of grants.
The are-able Foundation grant has funded the development of a garden bed design, aimed at improving access for elderly and disabled community members at the St Arnaud Community Centre and in partnership with the St Arnaud Community Kitchen. The Community Garden aims to provide produce to the community Kitchen with a focus on improving the health of disadvantaged groups and encouraging shared learning and home cooking.
“This project will be great in supporting the local community and encouraging participation, healthy eating, reduce social isolation and support the vulnerable.” Said Alison Butler are-able Employment Services Coordinator – Work for the Dole.
“St Arnaud Community Resource Centre enjoys working with the Community Garden on a variety of levels. The Centre values the opportunities for the local community to come together, learn skills and enjoy each other’s company.” Said Andrew George, St Arnaud Community Resource Centre Secretary.
“The Community Garden has been operational for several years and over that time I have observed people coming together that would not have usually crossed paths resulting in friendships, people who are physically not able to do the gardening but can come and enjoy the space and socialise with others. It has improved the mental and physical health of those who participate. The elaborations to the garden will help improve accessibility plus the additional garden beds aim to contribute produce to the community kitchen run by the Salvo’s who make meals available on Tuesdays.” said Community Garden Coordinator Barry Robertson.
Since 2004, The are-able Foundation has allocated almost $900,000 to a wide range of projects across regional Victoria. It is currently funded solely via are-able profits generated by its operation as an employment and disability service. The Foundation grants are offered to organisations that aim to increase employment and social inclusion opportunities for people living with a disability or disadvantage.
are-able is a not-for-profit community agency that provides disability and mainstream employment assistance, recruitment and training services as well as a wide range of Social Enterprises and NDIS Activities. are-able develops pathways to strengthen communities that enhance individuals, families and businesses.