Future looks very bright for are-able heading into 2020

The are-able 30 Year Anniversary Annual Report (2018-19) has hit the stands, providing an overview to another successful year.

Chairperson Mary Graham’s report highlights are-able’s 2020 strategy: “we have been collaborating on ideas to target the challenges of a deregulated and competitive environment facing are-able over the next 3-5 years.  The Strategic Roadmap produced provides a summary of the key features of the Strategic Plan and reinforces our vision and purpose”

Overall, the report reflects the positive activity of the organisation holistically across all its sectors – particularly our 30-year anniversary and the commencement of new CEO Tom Scarborough.  We were thrilled to have our retired founding CEO Mick White pop in to acquaint Tom with are-able rich 30-year history, dating back to 1989.

“As the newly appointed CEO of are-able, I feel privileged to represent an organisation which has a strong community focus”

are-able Employment has had another successful year, with the rollout of the new DES contract 12 months ago.  The planning and execution of our capability plan has resulted in a smooth entry into a new and competitive market and an unexpected increase in client numbers, up approximately 14% across the organisation.  Collectively both JobActive and DES have provided support to 6600 jobseekers with 4163 job placements.  An outstanding effort!

Since it started in 2004, the are-able Foundation has distributed more than 1,000,000 to various groups around Victoria.  A total of $89,483 was distributed to the March 2019 foundation grant recipients, funding various projects to benefit our communities and people living with disability.

Each division of are-able Social Enterprises performed well this year – particularity with the addition of Warrnambool’s Big R’s Shed, a new initiative that has been embraced by the local community and continues to go from strength to strength, providing valuable retail experience to our supported employees.

Employment in Social Enterprises increased from 87 to 110 supported employees, created activities for 65 participants and began working with a further 250 clients through our new NDIS Financial Plan Management business.

are-able Education and Training had a total of 1171 students’ complete various courses during the year.  Including 110 students for the Diploma- Early Childhood Educations and Care and 698 in First Aid.

A successful year for are-able means we can continue to add value to our communities by embracing and valuing those with disability and disadvantage.”

are-able improving people’s lives!

Download the are-able Annual Report 2018-19