are-able Foundation Grant to support new skill development opportunities for Next Step Disability Services thanks to the Alfredton Sports & Community Club

The Alfredton Sports and Community Club were successful recipients in the latest round of the are-able Foundation community grants. The are-able Foundation grant of $9878.00 was awarded to assist the Alfredton Sports & Community Club to go towards the purchase of screens, consoles, bench and games for use by disability group ‘Next Step Disability Services’ who are currently utilising the club facilities to run their activity programs.

The Alfredton Sports and Community Club is creating a safe place where young adults can utilise the facility and participate in the community to enhance their social skills. They will also purchase a coffee machine and couches to create a coffee lounge area to support and encourage skill development for people with disabilities, fostering skills that can be utilised in actively finding work for participants with a disability.  “Thanks to funding from are-able we have been able to create this space for the youth in our community. We are hoping to use the coffee machine for barista training purposes to help with employment opportunities.” Shane Manley, Alfredton Sports and Community Club chairman, said.

“The are-able Foundation is dedicated to ensuring those with a disability are provided every opportunity to socialise and to further develop their skills. We’re pleased to be able to support the Alfredton Sports and Community Club in creating this space for the Next Step Disability Services participants to utilise through this community grant” said are-able Ballarat 2IC / Business Development Manager Ryan Guareschi.

The are-able Foundation is a fund established to support activities in the communities in whcih we operate, so that organisations can improve access and opportunity to people living with a disability or disadvantage. Since it started in 2004 the trust has distributed more than $1 million to various groups around Victoria. As a community based not-for-profit organisation, are-able channels funding back into our regional community through the are-able Foundation and specialist support programs that provide quality employment services for employers and job seekers.

are-able is a not-for-profit community agency that provides disability and mainstream employment assistance, recruitment, and training services as well as a wide range of Social Enterprises and NDIS Activities. are-able develops pathways to strengthen communities that enhance individuals, families, and businesses.

are-able is a disability services provider in Ballarat specializing in Disability Employment Services (DES) and Jobactive.

We make sure our clients are ready for work by building skills and addressing barriers to employment. We source job opportunities and provide on-the-job training and long-term support for both employers and employees.  In partnership, we work with clients at a suitable pace to find employment which best matches their needs and capabilities.

are-able Education and Training also offers First Aid training courses in Ballarat, check our website for upcoming course dates.