Positive financial outcomes across are-able have secured a strong future for the organisation

The are-able 2017-18 Annual Report has hits the stands, providing not only the important details of the performance of the organisation, but some wonderful stories from the team and communities.

are-able finished the last 12 months in a strong financial position, with a 12.4% increase in total income, and net assets rising by 10%.


Chairperson Mary Graham’s report highlights are-able’s purpose: ‘One constant is our vision – that of positively changing peoples’ lives by creating opportunity for businesses, individuals and the community. Our challenge is to ensure we are guided-by and continue to meet this vision when responding to change.’

Overall, the report reflects the positive activity of the organisation across all its sectors – particularly the successes from the NDIS rollout. CEO Barrie Elvish was pleased with the ‘are-able For Me’ marketing campaign, pointing out that it is ‘striking a chord with potential clients and the wider community alike. This significant initiative designed to reinforce and promote our record of consistent high-quality outcomes and professional commitment to our clients.

Each business from the Enterprises arm achieved or bettered their budget – a strong position to start the next 12 months. Employment in the Enterprises division increased by 25 percent. There are 102 Supported Employees across our four sites, with the figure expected to grow in 2019.


are-able Education and Training provided positive outcomes, with 90% of their students successfully finding work after undertaking training. A student satisfaction rate of 95% outdid the state average of 84% – a fantastic testament to the are-able team.

A bumper year for are-able means the next 12 months will bear plenty of fruit for the organisation’s clients and communities. A great outcome for everyone!

Download the are-able Annual Report 2017-18.