Recycling banks for Warrnambool, Port Fairy, Terang and Hamilton

IF you have any out-of-fashion clothing items or unwanted household items, there’s no need to throw them in the rubbish.

A new initiative is giving south-west residents the opportunity for their unneeded goods to be used again.

Unwanted items can now be disposed of conveniently in one of 12 new recycling banks installed around Warrnambool, Port Fairy, Terang and Hamilton.

Clothes and other items will be sorted by the staff at Western District Employment Access (are-able) with items in good condition resold, while worn-out garments will be reused in other ways.

Warrnambool City Council infrastructure services manager Glenn Reddick said that by accepting both good and poor quality clothing, the recycling banks ensured nothing went to waste, keeping important resources out of landfill.

“Residents can still choose to use charity bins at op-shops for their good quality items but the are-able recycle banks will take these items plus others that may not be suitable for the charity bins,” Mr Riddick said.

“Once sorted by the team at are-able, Southern Cross Recycling finds an end-market for items not suitable to be re-worn.

“Ripped clothing will become rags for industrial use and even a market for odd shoes has been found.”

Bins have been installed at AquaZone, Flagstaff Hill, Woolworths Central, Good Start Childcare Centre on Whites Road, IGA Warrnambool, are-able Enterprises in Albert Street, as well as St Patrick’s Primary School in Port Fairy and in Bayne Street, Terang.

There are also four recycling stations in Hamilton.

are-able business manager Jack Melican said he greatly appreciated the support the initiative had gained from local businesses and Warrnambool City Council.

“A number of businesses have been more than happy to host a recycle bank as long as the public do the right thing and illegal dumping at these sites does not become a problem,” he said.

“Every three recycle banks in the community equates to a full-time job for an are-able employee. The job opportunities created by these recycle banks are invaluable.”

Mr Melican said the recycling banks offered an excellent opportunity for employment.

“The important thing for us is the jobs for the people that work at are-able Enterprises,” he said.

Any items such as linen, clothing, shoes or bags can be dropped in the recycling stations.

People are requested not to leave mattresses or couches, and not to place items on the ground beside the bins.

Material courtesy of the Warrnambool Standard