Have you visited the Big Green Shed?

The recycle centre at the Hamilton landfill, Previously operated by Council, is under new management.

Thanks to a partnership between Council, Nigretta and Western District Employment Access (are-able), the recycle shop will now be operated by Nigretta under the guise of “The Big Green Shed”.

The recycle centre will be staffed 7 days a week by employees of Nigretta furniture, who are part of are-able’s supported employment program and the regions biggest employer of people with a disability. are-able’s Business Delevopment Manager Jack Melican said it was a great opportunity for Nigretta. “This arrangement allows us diversify our operations and it also provides an opportunity to upskill our staff. They will gain valuable experience in retail sales, money handling and talking to customers. It is a very positive step in transitioning them out of supported employment into open employment”.

One of the long term aims is for the Big Green Shed to develop a work for the dole program and build a new shed to extend the current operations and allow more space for storing and selling large items like recycled building materials.

Residents can bring any items suitable for recycling or re-use including furniture, tools, baby goods, bikes and building materials to the Big Green Shed, instead of paying for these items to be disposed in the landfill. Items are then available for sale to the general public and are prompted through the Shed’s Facebook page- www.facebook.com/the-big-green-shed

The Big Green Shed is located in Elijah Street, Hamilton, on the Hamilton Landfill site. Head out there and support local people and local business!

Material courtesy of Southern Grampians Shire Council.