Formal recognition from building industry

Chris Egan’s dream was to work in the building industry and his dedication has now been recognised.

Chris was awarded a Certificate of Merit at the recent Master Builders Association of Victoria Awards Night.

Chris’ employer, Sam Steel, as SAS Construction said he was delighted that Chris’ efforts had been formally recognised. Sam said “Chris is a great employee, He is reliable and works very hard and is a valuable member of our team.”

Chris has recently been given responsibility of having a work ute and trailer and says he loves his job. Chris stated “The best part of the job is that I can use my hands to build things I’m proud of.”

Chris is supported at work by are-able Employment who makes regular contact with Chris and his employer to ensure he feels comfortable going to work and to manage any barriers to employment that Chris might face.

are-able Employment Team Leader, Chris Booth, said “Chris’ employer has administered funds through a Federal Government Initiative that provides extra support for Chris’ employer to supervise him, provide mentoring and for the cost of his training. Chris is undertaking an Apprenticeship in Carpentry and has been with SAS Construction for over two years.

Mr. Booth added “by continually speaking with Chris and his employer we maintain a healthy working relationship and Chris’ career in the building industry has developed from casual labourer to full time apprentice.”

are-able CEO Mick White praised Chris for his efforts saying “are-able would like to recognise Chris’ devotion to the building industry and loyalty to his employer. He has shown himself to be an asset to the team at SAS Construction and we congratulate him on his award and for the commitment he has shown.”

are-able Employment is looking for more employers like SAS Construction to create opportunities for employment in the local area. Mr. White added “are-able has had tremendous success in finding jobs for people and offering assistance for those who need it.”

are-able Employment are specialists at assisting employers to access government funding to provide employment opportunities for job seekers that may otherwise not exist. Employers may be able to access funding for eligible job seekers of up to $16,000 per employee.

Whether you are an employer or someone hoping to return to the workforce, are-able Employment can offer you a quality service for all your employment needs. are-able are always looking for new opportunities to collaborate and would welcome any interested business to make contact with the dedicated team.